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Getting Around Winchendon

Around the Toytown

Maps, Aerial, Wallpaper, and More

1 Downtown Winchendon
2 Winchendon Town Hall
3 Winchendon Police Station
4 Winchendon Fire Station
5 Winchendon District Court
6 Central Supermarket - Family Dollar
7 Subway - Music Forum - Dunkin Donuts
8 Winchendon Courier
9 Beals Memorial Library
10 Hilltop View
11 Old Murdock
12 Toytown Elementary
13 Murdock Middle High School
14 Memorial School
15 VFW Monument
16 Civil War Memorial
17 Old Centre
18 Autumn Old Centre
19 Fire Truck
20 Eagle Monument
21 Gulf War Monument
22 Gulf War Monument Placque
23 Toytown Horse
24 Civil War Statue
25 World War One Monument
26 World War Two Monument

Image above changes as

you pass over links at left.


For larger view, click below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


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Aerial Photos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (in new window)


Download 800x600 wallpaper  jpg (105k)  bmp(1.4mb)

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Toytown Horse jpg(122k)  bmp(1.4mb)



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©1998-2005 Werner Poegel

7 Brown Street

Winchendon, MA 01475

(978) 549-9208



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